womens rites of passage massage rituals and sessions Gold Coast
Phone : 045 879 7901 Gold Coast
womens rites of passage massage rituals and sessions Gold Coast
Sunday - Monday & Fridays
Bookings by appointment only:
Northern Gold Coast
4 Gordon St
Ormeau Hills 4208
Gold Coast QLD
Reach out if you have any queries!
Mobile: 045 879 7901
Today | Closed |
Please, as a courtesy to all, arrive 5-10 minutes early for your booking so we can start on time.
There is parking available.
And lastly, for you to you get the full benefit of your time out, please place your mobile on silent... I will too!
Gold Coast
I have Square and
bank transfer options available. Cash is also accepted.
Please note: If using Square, there is a $2 service fee to add to the total payment.
Cancellations etc
Please give 24 hours cancellation notice so other women can benefit.
All linen is freshly cleaned and sanitised for each client.
Equipment is wiped down before and after with correct sprays, oils and wipes.
If you are unwell, It would be advisable to reschedule your appointment.
'Lets Celebrate' Gift Card Tote Bags available with complimentary candle and chocolates